
Name: Monique Holtuin
Profession: HIV Focal Point Volksgezondheid

Writen Interview:

Marja van Eer, specialist internal medicine and HIV

Q: What is the best way to protect yourself against HIV?

A: On the workfloor one should avoid needle accidents and privately, as anyone should, always practice safe sex.

Q: How have you contributed to HIV research?

A: 1992 till 1994 Leiden Clinical research on the effect of immunisation in HIV patients and effects of ART. 2021 and 2022 research on partner notification and on adolesents with HIV.

Q: Have you ever come close to curing a patient?

A: There is no cure for HIV. ART makes the viral sleep and contributes to good health

Q: What does HIV-treatment look like and does it have any side effects?

A: There are different combinations of drugs. The one we use most is a combination of three drugs in one pill. This is tolerated well. Some side-effects are: Sometimes in the beginning nausea or frequent stool. But most patients do not experience this. Long term effects are depositions of fat on hips,in the abdomen and in the neck region and some times cardiovascular complications.

Q: How can I tell if my HIV treatment is working?

A: By measuring the HIV viral load in the blood.

Q: Is the treatment affordable for everyone?

A: In Suriname the governement pays for the treatment. If this was not the case we would hav a lot of persons who would not be able to pay for medication.

Q: What are some of the HIV myths you have come across often?

A: Attracting HIV by mosquito bites or by sitting next to an HIV positive patient.

Q: How can people help raise awareness?

A: By declaring that HIV seropositives have a chronic condition which should not lead to discrimination and live guided by this principle.

Q: What message regarding HIV do you have for the world?

A: Stop stigmatizing, practice safe sex, test regularly on HIV as long as your sexual behaviour is risky.