About us


Hi, we are a group of students from AAHA, who are participating in the Viruskenner project 2022. Together we created this website to spread awareness about HIV and help reduce the stigma around it. Our main target is the youth because we noticed the lack of knowledge amongst our peers. So to change that we thought of a fun, friendly but yet educational way to spread awareness. Different ways we have done this is by making educational games, conducting interviews with an HIV focal point and HIV patients and posting about it on today's biggest platforms; Instagram and TikTok. Our process started of with the general idea.

After this we designed the look of the website and lasty put together the information to make it work. Although this experience was challenging and quite stressfull at times, we learned so much more about HIV and had fun creating this website. Our main goal when developing this idea was to help prevent the spread of HIV by educating the youth. We hope that our website will reach its intended audience and serves its purpose. Lastly we want to thank the Viruskenner team 2022 for giving us this oportunity, Our teacher who guided us trough this and ofcourse The HIV vocalist and - patients who we conducted the interviews with.

Our message for everyone: for starters prevention is better than curing, also hoping ignorance vanishes is not enough, get informed, get tested and get involved. Because people living with HIV and those most at risk also have the right to be treated like any other individual in a stigma-free world.